Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Bad Habit

Arch Story Man Bishop John Hoffman commissioned me to make a pin up for his 'Nun With 2 Guns' comic book, which I graciously volunteered for free.  John has spent way too many long & lonely nights pencilling, inking and colouring this 600 page tome due to debut at APEcon next month.

My protracted research process included committing the New Testament to memory and a fruitless consultation session with an order of nuns under a strict vow of silence. This left me with very little time to actually develop a good idea so I just drew zombies.
Once I had finalised the highly detailed composition I applied an experimental and unorthodox colour theory-
Et voila-the final piece-I had to beg John not to use this as the cover for his book so it will be in the fine company of Padre Jamie Baker, Father Scott Morse and Rev. W. J. Caldwell amongst others. . .


James Baker said...

I took away a good lesson from your fine sermon, Brother Jones. AMEN.

froggie is... said...

fantastic! i love what you did with the blood splots, dots, etc...

and those zombies! (eee!)

locuriatoons said...

que hermosa anatomia!


Nice! :)

Matthew Cruickshank said...

Nice and loose-great!!

Matt Jones said...

God bless you all & may His light keep the zombies from your door!

Matthew Cruickshank said...

Zombies & Vampires have become a permanent genre these days. My Uncle Phil has GREAT reasons why. I shall share them with you when I see you, whether you like it or not.

Matt Jones said...

Is it to do with the homeless problems in our cities, wounded war-vets and bloodsucking financial institutions?
Look forward to hearing more tales from the Stove, whether I like it or not!