I spent September working at
Alphanim in Vincennes, storyboarding an episode of Season 2. I had a really enjoyable time working with the team. Series director is cartoon maestro Bob Camp, storyboards are supervised by Rich Codor. Heath, Richard & Baptiste and their design teams are doing REALLY stellar work & this season is going to look 'magnifique'.

This is Act 1 of my board. I had a groovy episode based on an outline by Heath. Tommy, Robotboy & Gus get trapped inside a surreal, fantasy world created by an evil magician.

The deadline was pretty tight & Heath helped me out with a section, despite having a killer schedule of his own he jumped on board to make this episode extra special.

Here's a real-live French animation artist! This is
Baptiste, he's supervising layouts on the show. He's very good too.
Bob had us look at
Harvey Kurtzman's work for inspiration, specifically his CLEAR & FUNNY posing. These are some studies I made.

Bob also has a complete collection of the
FAMOUS ARTISTS CARTOON COURSE. It's pure gold. These are some sketches I made from the 3 volumes.

I'll be posting some scans of the best sections
here. Starting with my favourite of the artists VIP Partch.