Pour Stephane, félicitations et bonne chance pour le meilleur semaine de ta vie!

The famous Negresco hotel in Nice is the grandest hotel on the Cote d'Azur. Infamously in 1927 dancer & party animal Isadora Duncan died just outside when her scarf caught in the wheel of her sports car strangling her to death!

Nice has a magnificent Russian Cathedral, the largest of its kind outside Russia.

Les passant de Nice.

Rooftops in the Old Town

Airport people.

Another alley in the Old Town.

A different view of parc Albert 1er towards the Promenade with the Med in the background.

Thi is the first drawing I made when I got to Nice. The central parc Albert 1er is shaded by beautiful twisted trees & palms.

Rue Centrale in the Old Town, Nice. I swapped this drawing for a pair of new sunglasses!