Werner Herzog's GRIZZLY MAN is tragic but hilarious with it. Timothy Treadwell survived camping with bears for over a dozen summers & the film shows footage of him in dangerous proximity to these majestic creatures. He's seen swimming with them & even touching younger ones on the nose! It seems he wanted to escape reality & BE a bear! He shot over 100 hours of footage & of course only a fraction is seen in the documentary but perhaps we'll see something similar to the above on the DVD special features?!
or alternatively...BEARBACK MOUNTIN' funny stuff regardless.
still no link for the healthnsafety qt-is is kapuutt?
would love to see it-do you have a qt anywhere?
Hah! BEARBACK MOUNTIN' is better!
Gary, I've asked Saxy to fix it already after last time you mentioned it but he don't seem bothered?
Hahaha...too funny.
Bump and Grind! It's a beauty
LOL hilarious!
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