Alas, Lacock is not another medieval French village and no it's not a Parisian gay club either-it's a picturesque English village east of Bath. My Story Supervisor had found it & told me it was full of stuff I'd like to sketch;half-timber houses & ancient architecture.

The lady poking her head out of the window in this sketch later found me & asked to see what I was drawing.

I saw this litttle church near the town of Box on the route back to Bath. I stopped the car, jumped over the wall & sat in the graveyard to quickly sketch it.
beautiful work Matt! I just love those sketches! I know you travel a lot but if you're in paris one of these day lets have a beer ! bring your sketch book as well I wanna see it live=)
Beautiful as always! And how cute is this little church!
Bises mon Lapin :)
Hé Shoo, tu peux parler en Francais a Matt, ce gars il parle francais mieux que les Francais.
lovely sketches!!!
tip top... and you have a car too... and jumping over wall abilities?!
Brilliant stuff. i great way to spend time
all the best- Mick
You are the king of Lacock...Great pics as always...
Terrific as always - particularly like the little birds on the rooftops. I find it all too easy to ignore details like that when I'm concentrating on the house or whatever the subject may be. Interesting fact: Lacock's also one of the birthplaces of photography.
Baptiste- salut mon ami- je vais a Paris bientot, en avril. Tu va etre la ?
Shoo- l'eglise est tres mignon, oui !
Stef- Zebe travaille ici depuis lundi donc je peux parle francais encore! (un peut). Mais, il a part deja malheuresment-
Mick-I am multi'skilled but still terrible at DIY
Rich- it's pronounced LAY-COCK, I believe
Stefan-thanks for the info, I din't know that, was Fox Talbot living there?
These drawings are fabulous.
Matt, once again your sketches are most enjoyable. I like how loose they are yet are filled with a confident line. Like the top one best. I think its the subtle shading that really bring these home.
The best works.
I like his sceneries.
Yup, Fox Talbot lived in Lacock Abbey.
aha! I wanted to visit the abbey but by the time I'd drawn around the village the place was shut. There must be a photography museum inside?
that top illustration is WONDERFUL!!!
I just love this
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