Tuesday, August 05, 2008

Quick sketching-

Here are some of my latest gesture sketches made from the café terrace as tourists & locals mill around.

They're all 10 second quickies. I'm looking to capture gesture, expression & attitude through body shapes, posture & clothing. If I'm lucky sometimes I manage to capture character & that's when they're most successful I think, that's when the drawings have some life.


pierre alary said...

mister jones !! how the f?§@# are you?

pbcbstudios said...

these are great!

Drazen said...

these are great and I'm lovin the dogs.

Lidix said...

Nice to meet you Matt,..Is there where you live? in Nice? Now i´m so jealous!...I like your sketches so much!:D

Paul Tuller said...

wow - I love how you squeeze so many sketches onto on sheet! Great study

Matt Jones said...

Hey some comments disappeared-wasn't me! Blogger messing up. . .

Oscar Grillo said...

It is easier to take their pictures with a digital camera.

Really lovely drawings.

Oscar Grillo said...

Lazy but sweet these drawings.

Oscar Grillo said...

Mine just got lost...I believe you are censoring critical comments.

Oscar Grillo said...

....Funny. As I sent you a new comment, an old one from me appeared!!!!

Oscar Grillo said...

What a bloody hell's going on?...Every time I post a comment a new, different one appears in the column..It is almost funny!

Dan Bob said...


i am gonna send the t-shirt this week. sorry for delay.

Alexandre Augusto Ferreira said...


EL GRANDE said...

Super cool studies Matt. This blog is truly out of this world. I really dig all the stuff you're crankin on here.

Joe y Elio

Anonymous said...


Craig Mackay said...

Love these observational beauties! Really nice feel and attention given to each character.

Matt Jones said...

Merci tout le monde!