Friday, October 07, 2005

Drawing on TV!

Everybody don't miss cartoonist Martin Rowson's documentary on Ronald Searle tomorrow at 9.40 pm on BBC4. Before that on the same channel is a film looking at Michelangelo's drawings & over on BBC 2 at 8.10 pm is Andrew Graham-Dixon's new series, The Secret of Drawing.


  1. I missed the Hirshfeld exhibitions-now I have to miss this! What am I still doing in germany?

  2. eating wurst und sauerkraut that's what.

  3. You may be able to pick up BBC4 in Germany if you have cable, satellite, digital?

  4. Crap!
    How can I see this in the US?

  5. All these shows were excellent & inspiring. THE SECRET OF DRAWING will be a very interesting series if the first part is anything to go by.
    The MICHELANGELO programme really brought the man & his time to life brilliantly. The last show on RONALD SEARLE didn't really tell me anything I didn't know from books on Searle but it was great to see & hear the man himself talk about his life & career.
    Check out
