I can't believe a year has gone by already & I'm at my second
Cannes Film Festival-I'm well on my way to the special recognition award given to longtime festival goers of 30 years or more!

I caught the first screening of
KUNG FU PANDA & Dreamworks have set a new gold standard for themselves with this picture. Right from the 2-D opening sequence you know this is going to be a winner. In fact the title sequence by James Baxter's studio is so good one almost wishes the entire film was done in this style. It's limited, Flash style animation but with gorgeous textures & flourishes of full animation. Despite its meagre premise (fat panda masters kung fu) the film dazzles with its magnifecently orchestrated action sequences. Character designs are excellent & will have you yearning for the inevitable action/plush toys.
Expect this flick to be HUGE this summer, although how Dreamworks will squeeze the paper thin scenario for their desired franchise remains to be seen. This one however will defeat all box-office challengers with its
'awesomeness & bodacity'! 
It's only Day 2 I'm already feeling fatigued but I'll be back in Cannes tomorrow to see more movies & make more drawings.A bientot mes amis. . .
I'm really glad to hear good things about this movie. More success in animated movies mean more jobs in animation industry! This summer is going to be awesome.
Looking forward to hearing more insight from Cannes. I'm glad kung fu panda looks good, are you seeing anything to do with Wall E this week?
I remember when you went last year.
All you saw was shit.
It seems like only a few months back...
Darling Elliot, NYC is making you grumpier than ever-you're like Oscar the Grouch from Sesame Street (Ealing Common). Have you actually seen CONTROL, NO COUNTRY FOR OLD MEN, SICKO, ZODIAC etc.?
I've seen NCFOM twice and thought it was great.
Zodiac was a cracker too.
Maybe I'm thinking about the year before...
I love your blog though I almost never come by--fantastic drawings of Cannes.
And what a relief to see you thought as much of Panda as I did(just saw it last Thursday at the crew screening-I didn't work on it, btw). Best film by far from DW; I had heard it was "great" but it topped all my expectations. You should see the maquettes, speaking of toys...and my god, when you find yourself enjoying the crowd shots because the rabbits and pigs are so appealing-! The film was just beautifully done. And they all slaved on it. Thank goodness it paid off.
Thanks for the report. it's nice to know there are artists/animators attending Cannes as well as flacks, reporters and actors/producers. ; )
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