Sunday, May 07, 2006


The latest theme in the Eurovision Art Challenge was 'weather' & I had made a couple images that fit the bill.
The first one was for my South American Journal to illustrate my Dad & I getting toasted on the beach in Argentina.

With the second one I wanted to show the good old days of British weather reporting when Michael Fish gave infamously wrong forecasts! In my memory the suits were brown & the weather was grey. Surely there's an Anchorman style movie begging to made set during the 70's heyday of boring weathermen?


  1. Is Oscar Grillo your old man then?

  2. I love these pictures, my young man.

    The verification is "buggaptf"

  3. You should have entered that first picture you eeeeeeeeediot!

  4. I voted for that one!

  5. Haha! I love that one of your dad with the burnt toe!!

  6. Matt you now have 6 blogs! what the hell! where do you get the time?

  7. Boris, have you ever seen The Lawnmower Man? Matt is slowly evolving into a human Blog.

  8. That's Crooki on the left isn't it?

  9. Normally LA weather is like the top illo, but lately, it has been cloudy and grumpy ... can't wait for the sun to come back again!! Love the diversity of your styles, soo awesome N' inspiring!!

  10. The Lawnmower Man is my most bestest favorite great film of ALL TIME, with Pearce before he squinted his eyes non stop and pulled mouths like he was sampling cheese all the time.

  11. Your post weather is really beautiful I love the coloring and drawing way,look like vintage style
