Sunday, May 07, 2006

Ronald Searle POW

Review of TO THE KWAI & BACK, excellent but harrowing collection of Searle's drawings made whilst a prisoner of the Japanese during WWII. Check out my Ronald Searle Tribute blog here.


  1. Went to the Searle tribute blog Excellent! This book is amazing. Thanks for sharing it with us, Matt.

  2. Hi guys, I saw that you'd visited my Searle blog. Sorry about the lack of captions. Due to time constraints I'm just scanning the best pages of each book so they'll always be out of context, thus I felt the captions weren't necessary. I'm just trying to highlight some of the more obscure Searle material & figure if anybody wants to see the whole book they can track it down themselves.
    Glad you enjoyed there's plenty more to come. Updated it on May 10th with Searle's Gilbert & Sullivan drawings.
