Tuesday, June 08, 2010

Before leaving Europe for the US later this year I wanted to see Spain and in particular Picasso's 'Guernica'.  My old chum Will volunteered to be my travelling companion, my Sancho Panza.   We packed the car with all our camping kit & headed south for a 3 week expedition through France & Spain.  Will  navigated us across the continent with only a large scale roadmap & the stars, which may explain why we were so often lost looking for campsites.  But the "scenic routes" were better anyway and Don Quixote never had an i-phone with GoogleMaps either.


Ashley Boddy said...

Welcome back. You back in Wales then?

Matt Jones said...

Hey Ash, thanks! I'll be in London for a week. . .

Daniel said...

Sounds awesome. Looking forward to seeing your latest work.

Thierry Cattant said...

i I love espana !

great sketches.

A. Riabovitchev said...

Looks like you have great time there!:o)

JP said...

Oo, wicked. look forward to the sketchy goodness.

Stephan said...

Great sketches. I randomly found your blog... very inspiring work!

stefan marjoram said...

Brilliant! - looking forward to seeing more.

R.Dress said...

Oh man great sketches as always.

edhead said...

I've been with Will on local buses here in London and we've ended up *really* lost. It's a miracle you
made it back at all...

Matt Jones said...

Gracias! More to come soon . . .