Saturday, January 07, 2006


One episode of TERRIBLE TIM which I designed & directed is now online at
If you head to the Flash section of the website you'll find the relevant page.


mr-dunn* said...

cool-who did tims mums boobs?...
very funny-i have two boys who loved it..!
when's uli going to fix the health and safety qt link?-
been glitchy for months!

Matt Jones said...

Ah, I'll pass that on - thanks for pointing that out.
See you in the week.

Drazen said...

Havent looked at the site yet but these drawings
are great!

Unknown said...

HA ! HA !! What's a fun character!! Nice work!

Elliot Cowan said...

Terrible Tim is very entertaining.
You were inspired by Orson Welles perhaps?

The VO is particularly pleasing, strong voice but not a stagey read.
Well read but casual.

alberto mielgo said...

Hi Matt.
Happy new year.
thanks for the link. I love this project since you showed it in your blog some time ago.
Beautifull designs.

the doodlers said...

How terrible! (ly delicious and fun)

Boris Hiestand said...

dangit I was laughing all the way to the toilet! Who the hell commissions stuff like this?! nice

Anonymous said...

Tim rocks! Looks like fun Matt - off to check it out now.

MikeS said...

This are terrific sketches, Matt! I'll have to check out the site when I get a chance!

Andy said...

Happy new year Matt!! Great work as always and a brill start to 06!!!
I will be updating my blog next week...with something new and fresh.
Hey, what happened to ulis blog?
Be in London next month sometime.

mr-dunn* said...

matt -
any news re uliblog?
drink on th-fri-in marylebone?

Matt Jones said...

Tim's up for Thursday & KONG nxt Wednesday?

the doodlers said...

Hi again- watched Terrible Tim on Uli's site. Haha! Congrats on a great job.

Joan Cabot said...

Congrats for a good job Matt! Smells like somebody had fun doing this.

mr-dunn* said...

matt-i've got a rash on my elbow-
say hi to errol for me-
till next week-!


Perry Linton Joseph Osuna said...

love the new work Matt it's been a while just wanted u to check out my new blog of life drawings at if u have the time take and all the best this year again

Matt Jones said...

Thanks for the great response everyone. I'm trying to view all your blogs but BLOGGER's not showing any IMAGES today. OR accepting image posts . . . bummer!

Matt Jones said...

Ed,if you'r ereading this be at ANGEL tube 2morrow (Monday) @ 6.30pm if you're coming life-drawing. Can't access my email @ Uli's & don't have your number!

edhead said...

See you there @ 6:30....

edhead said...

Hmm - not sure if you'll get any emails at your Uli account? So - re: Peter de Seve:

You should be able to get it from any good comic book shop, and its published by Editions Paquet. Check out and there's info on there... Failing that theres always! Have a good week!

mr-dunn* said...

hey-wheres tim watts blog matt-??
tims waffle could be a global phenomena..

Eliza Jäppinen said...

Hehehe, do grilled sandwitches really do that? Or is there secretly some chilly involved?

Matt Jones said...

Tim eats baked bean sandwiches!

Mr. Fenix said...

I was directed to your blog via Cold Hard Flash. I watched your Terrible Tim animation. It is vile, disgusting, and utterly juvenile. AND I LOVED IT LOL!!! The characters are hilarious as was the narration. Great use of alpha on the flatulant gases. If people think this type of humor IS vile, disgusting, and utterly juvenile, then the dog must have hid their funny bone in the backyard. Everyone farts and it's one of the funniest human "expressions". Keep up the good work! I'm looking forward to more!