Thursday, October 27, 2005

Gay Paree!

Had a great time in the French capital - did a lot of drawing and visited as many sites & exhibitions as possible. Over the next couple of weeks I'll be posting drawings from my sketchbook & giving the lowdown on some of the big art shows over there.


  1. Cool,
    Looking forward to more!

  2. I hope you had a pleasing time with your illustrated friend below, you filthy beggar.

  3. ey you!
    great to see you back.
    What a nice sketches and poses.

  4. Matt-

    thanks for stopping in and checking out my site. I'm continually amazed by all the talent there is out there. Great art work! I love the Paris sketches. You gotta scan in the rest and post 'em! The stuff you did in Greece is just as impressive. Keep it up!

    take care

  5. You sicked me!!!
    Great stuff as usual...

  6. Sickened rather...

  7. that kind of looks like that church from that disney movie- ehr.. hunchman or summik..

  8. Hey Matt great sketches. You make me feel lazy. HK

  9. Great sketches, Matt; nice to see you posting again! Love the sketches of the tourists with cameras!

    And thanks for the comment the other day. I haven't seen the Brothers Grimm yet; it looked like a good one to see. Once the DVD comes out, it'll be first on my list! Thanks for the heads up!

  10. Yeah, I know GRIMM flopped over in the US, how's it fairing in Canada? It's really not as bad as critics say. Visually, there's SO much going on that you can live with the dodgy accents/performances. If you dig LEGEND or COMPANY OF WOLVES you'll like it. it will look great on DVD. It's fun to spot all the references to the old Grimm Tales too.

  11. GRIMM seems like it is fairing the same here as it did in the US. I saw the commercials heading into the opening weekend and then silence.

  12. Mon Dieu! All those people flying around The Eiffel Tower- crazy.

    Lovely Graphic solutions to all the Architectural detail- and a great flow to the drawings of people.

    Are we all set for Monday Night?

  13. I spent 2 weeks hunkered down in the Sorbonne to prep for Monday night. I'm like LIGHTNING!
    See you at the Opera tomorrow night Hannibal?

  14. Beautiful sketches!! Lovely!!

  15. Great stuff.
    Welcome back.


  16. Thanks for the response everyone - more Paris sketches on their way -
