Thursday, October 31, 2013

Happy Halloween!

Here's a preview of an image I've working based on Tim Burton's version of 'Dark Shadows' .  I skipped the film in theatres because of its lacklustre reviews but recently picked it up on blu-ray.  It features all of Burton's usual tropes but it's beautifully photographed by Bruno Delbonnel and the production design is INSANELY good.  I became quite obsessed with it and watched it several times, sketching the characters to capture their likeness (a LOT of bee-stung pouty lips in this film).  The film is completely over the top and caricatured but hangs together better than Burton's recent output.

I still have to add two more figures but the triangular composition works well right now.


  1. Hi Matt,

    I agree, dodged it until I saw your screen grabs on you r miseenscene101 blog. Decided to give it a watch an was totally entertained by it. Beautifully shot indeed.
    Cheese! -D.

  2. Thanks Dirk- glad to find another fan of the movie. The only bum note is the daughter's 'change' at the climax. The prod design of the harbour town is stunning eh?

  3. I really enjoyed 'Dark Shadows'. It's flawed, but somehow it's still thoroughly entertaining, and visually breathtaking. Love your interpretation of the characters!

    Happy Halloween!

  4. I love Dark Shadows, fab illustration! Happy Halloween Matt!

  5. Thanks folks! Hope to have the pic finished soon

  6. Hi Matt,

    Love this, i think you have done a perfect job caricaturing the usual Burton mob. I especially like the rough drawings. Will be great to see it when you finish off the other characters.
    I completely agree with you with the movie. I was working on Frankenweenie at the same time Burton was making this movie, so got to see a bit and hear about it when it was in production. I have a few pals who worked on it, and a co worker from Frankenweenie actually got asked to do some of the graphic design for it and she did a beautiful job. Like you, i skipped it at the cinema too, and waited for the Blue Ray and was actually really happily surprised. It has alot of Burton's older qualities and quirky over the top humour, but I surprisingly really enjoyed it.

    How are you? Hope you are well. I'm getting my art work ready and gearing up my booth for CTN right now. Will be heading out to California Next week.
    Will you be there? Are you doing another master class? It would be great to see you. :)

    PS- Hi Jampix!! :D
