Monday, July 01, 2013

Ronald Searle Fundraiser

I'm currently harassing every artistic, creative, cartoon loving, Searle appreciating friend and acquaintance (thank you Facebook!) to contribute original art to a project that's close to my heart.
I've maintained my Searle 'tribute' blog since 2006, subsequently got to know the great man himself and came to have a scholarly level of knowledge on his career and work. Now I'm living in the U.S. and following the Searle trail here I'm planning an exhibition of mostly unseen Searle work at the Cartoon Museum, San Francisco in November.  To compliment the show I'm working on a book collecting his entire 'American era' oeuvre - all the fantastic colour work he did in the 60s for HOLIDAY magazine, Look, Life etc.  I'm raising the funds required to ship original artwork, printing costs for the catalogue and generally put the show on.  I'm doing this as a labour of love and to raise money for The Cartoon Art Museum (a registered charity) and to bring Searle's work to an American audience.

I've made a special blog here showcasing all the incredible art I'm receiving from an international group of today's top animation artists and illustrators.

Here is my contribution with the 'rough' pass below. I will be contributing both pieces to the auction which will launch mid July.  The rough is in some ways more pleasing than the finished piece-looser, more spontaneous and perhaps more Searle-esque?

It's my interpretation of one of my favourite Searle characters Mr Lemonhart, who was part of an advertising campaign for LemonHart Rum which Searle illustrated throughout the 60s.


  1. Niiiiiiiiiice one!! : )

  2. Great work Matt in organising the Fundraiser.
    I love the bemused Turtle in your submission. Beautiful art as usual.

  3. Thanks Kristian! Good to hear from you.

  4. Lovely colorwork, very nice as always, I hope all is well, JP

  5. Great tribute to the best of them all

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