Friday, May 11, 2012


An added bonus of living in California is that we're only a 5hr hop from tropical paradise The Sandwich Isles (as Hawaii was christened by Capt. Cook).  The pace of life is so leisurely over there a long weekend felt like 2 weeks! Possibly the most relaxed place I've ever been.

First stop Waikiki Beach with the famous view of once volcanic Diamond Head Mountain

Honolulu tourists

 Turtle Bay

The macademia nut farm & Kualoa Ranch tour was one of the highlights. The presentations afforded me time to sketch the chickens and Japanese tourists.

The stunning scenery looked so familiar since it has been the backdrop in Lost, Jurassic Park etc.
In Haleiwa my girlfriend surprised me with a cage-diving trip amongst sharks! 

These islands are known as 'Chinaman's Hat' and behind it 'Turtle Island'

The Polynesian Cultural Centre is a must-see attraction; we spent a whole afternoon there exploring the authentic tribal huts and watching the dancing and demos.

In the evenings they put on a dance extravaganza show 'Hā- The Breath of Life'

So that was my first Hawaiian vacation on Oahu. Next time I'd like to see what the other islands offer-Kuai, Maui and the Big Island.


  1. Damn Matt, these are some killer sketches/paintings! Beautiful work man!!

  2. Gorgeous sketches, Matt!

  3. WOW. these are gorgeous. I'm so jealous, i need a trip.. anywhere haha. I love to see how you simplify things, so great. thanks for sharing ;D

  4. Damn you for being so good.
    See you soon in SF!

  5. These are some great sketches. Very Cool!

  6. I love the nut farm one particularly. Great sketches, good to see you're still at it!

  7. Oh, these are beautiful!

  8. I absolutely love this post. I can really relate to your experience.

  9. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  10. Fabulous sketches. I especially like the black & whites of the various shaped & sized tourists along with the dancers.

  11. Thanks for the kind comments folks!

  12. Me gusta mucho el estilo que utiliza para hacer sus magnificas creaciones que en verdad me gustan!
