Thursday, February 16, 2012

Jacked! part 2

Just before the Christmas break we staged the 2nd Annual Pixar Story dept Mean Caricature Night. We had a much bigger turn out this year including special guests Pete Docter, Ricky Nierva and Michael Johnson documenting the event with his keen camera.  Thanks to Ronnie for rallying the troops, securing the table and keeping us fueled with beer!

See last years' character assassination here

This time my eyes got beadier, my brow more furrowed, my teeth wonkier, beard beardier and my hairline receded further- alas, the cruel truth of caricature.
However, I did get the bastards back-the names have been changed to protect the innocent!

I got warmed up with an easy target

Usually caricaturing girls always ends in tears. Luckily the female Pixar Story Artists dish it as mean as they get it!

This comrade is so pretty I had to draw him twice!


These Phillipino boys are a handsome bunch

This chiselled adonis was hard to crack!


  1. This must have been so cool ! Great caricatures !

  2. Fantastic caricatures Matt. As a fellow Welshman, who went to Parc Menai - I'd just like to say 'hi!'. Are you a Welsh speaker too Matt? - Iestyn

  3. These are hilarious, and spot on!!
    awesome work!

  4. Quentin-it was a highly entertaining evening of artistic insultry

    Iestyn-hywl fawr! Love your photos of North Wales

    Avner- Appreciated, thanks!

  5. Haha. Awesome. The second-to-last one is classic ****-face.

    "-the names have been changed to protect the innocent!" ...

    But apparently not the filenames. ;)

  6. amazing caricatures, Matt!

  7. Jim- you cracked it!

    JP-that god-like profile is unmistakable eh?

    Sebastian- thanks!

  8. Yes! We filipinos are all quite handsome. ;)

  9. hah! Should it be Philipino with an F? I checked online but I guess the 'real' way of spelling is your way?

  10. haha! You nailed Ted... and I believe that the vampire is Pete? Awesome caricatures!!!

  11. Thanks Leo- yes you spotted Pete Sohn as teh vampire!

  12. So cool caricatures! Lovely picture, seems he loves his carricature! xD

  13. is really funny! XOXOXO

    best regards from Yeni - juegosjuegos

  14. Annual mean caricature night!? Sounds like a dream come true. I need to get one of those happening where I work. You're awesome!

  15. Lovely caricatures and Awesome Work! Nice post, Thanks for sharing such a fantastic blog.

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