Saturday, November 05, 2011

Back to the UK!

I went home to the UK recently for the first time in a year since moving to California. That time flew by! I had the pleasure of catching up with old friends, meeting new family members and re-acquainting myself with England and Wales . . .

I met up with my three favourite draughtsmen Matt Cruickshank, Phil Warner and Oscar Grillo down on the River Thames at Hammersmith.

We swapped stories over glasses of stout at riverside pub The Dove.  Dating from the 17th Century the Dove has the smallest bar in Britain (4 ft. 2ins by 7ft. 10ins) and is said to be the site of secret rendezvous between Charles 11 and Nell Gwynne.

In all the time I worked for Uli in Camden I never drew the Lock

Waiting on The Strand for Aardman chum Ash Boddy to go see the Spanish Drawing exhibition at the Courtauld.

I went to the christening of my brother's gorgeous baby daughter in Derbyshire. The ceremony was at this ancient 13th century church in Weston-on-Trent.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Really cool to see more of your location drawing.

  3. Hi Andrei, it was a flying visit! I was traveling between London, Wales and Derbyshire and I'm already back in San Francisco!

  4. Ok,no worries.let me know when you will back to London next time.:0)

  5. super chouette mon chéri! j'espère que l'on aura l'occasion de faire des croquis ensemble a SF bientôt!

  6. Wonderful to see you! Excellent "coal hole" sketch!

  7. That is a mighty fine horse jumping in the "Camden lock" drawing! Good seeing you again!

  8. Fantastic work! I love your line quality and sense of design.

  9. Lovely work Matt, next time you're visiting London let me know, it would be great meeting up and grab a pint ;)

  10. Did you tell Crookie to send me my damn Pixar sketchbook which he STILL hasn't given me!?!??!?!?!

  11. Ed! It's safe and sound at my pad. We will meet up soon and I'll administer it!

    Matt-see you and your coal hole next week!

  12. lol cheers matt! ;D

  13. HOW did i miss this post. These are fantastic! Absolutely beautiful!
