Friday, September 09, 2011

Line of Action

In Gesture Class I've been advocating capturing the line of action/basic shape in a broad colour stroke then working in on top of that with a finer pen.  It seems to generate more spontaneous interpretations of a pose.



Anonymous said...

Amazing drawings...very helpful and inspiring, thanks for sharing!

Gillibean said...

Good tip, guess it keeps your first initial interpretation of the pose nice and clear!

Gillian Mowbray said...

A masterclass in speed drawing - thank you for sharing such a great tip. x

Matt Jones said...

Yes, you capture that first impressionistic snapshot, which should be very bold, and then strengthen it without deviating.

Alexandre Augusto Ferreira said...

Amazing post!
Thank you.

Frank Forte said...

very cool, you can never get enough of this.

Brant Moon said...

That's really smart! Using color for the action line doesn't interfere with the line drawing on top, and it shows your approach / thought process. Great idea.

Toni Reyna said...

These lectures sounds too interesting!

Anonymous said...

Nice sketches! Well done. Perfect lines and shapes.

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chromasketch said...

awesome man, I'm late to the party.. but glad I got a chance to see this, thanks for sharing.

Matt Jones said...

You're welcome- better late than never!