Friday, April 08, 2011


Last weekend San Francisco hosted WonderCon 2011- a smaller, more intimate version of San Diego's ComicCon.  Costumed heroes came from far and wide to join the parade of comic book characters. I had a blast sketching all the different outfits and capture the heroes posing for photos.

Even San Francisco itself  began to look more like the architecture of a comic book Metropolis.

I met one of my personal comicbook heroes- Bill Sienkewicz-who actually looks like his artwork!

Most generous artist at the Con- Mr Alberto Ruiz - gave me his book and made a great dedicace inside.

My esteemed colleague Mr Jamie Baker was holding down a booth with Rafael Navarro.

Be sure to head over to Pixar animator Terry Song's blog to see his super sketches of the event.

Great video here on YouTube of all the costumed Heroes


  1. Love your drawings !! Looks like it was tons of fun.

    And by the way, Terry Song's drawing of the WonderCon crowd is amazing. AMAZING.

  2. Stupendous sketches as always - I really envy your quick figure sketching abilities. I should set myself the task to do some every day.

    Great that you met Bill S. Too - another big inspiration to me.

  3. Anonymous2:41 am

    Wonderful, wonderful drawings!!!

  4. awwww power sketches by the way!

  5. Gee gosh!! Thanks so much for checkin' out my story stuff Matt! You humble the crap outta me!

  6. Hi Matt, I was waiting for these! Man I LOVE your sketches, especially that last page with the cowboys and the lady pulling on her aviator cap! I always struggle with cowboy hats so it's nice to see some done right. And I also dig your storm trooper and Boba, super solid drawings...and btw, thanks for the shoutout=)

  7. Thanks for the feedback everyone!
