Thursday, March 18, 2010

Une vie héroique

While I was in Nice over the New Year the French media was buzzing about the imminent release of Joann Sfar's biopic of Serge Gainsbourg. Through the Gainsbourg: Le Film blog I discovered a project set up by Brit illustrator Jonathan Edwards- Draw Serge!  inviting illustrators to contribute their images of Serge.  Here are the roughs for the final above.


  1. the film looks to be a doozy. years ago I was in Turkey on my jollies and i happened upon a market stall selling nothing but busts of our pal Serge... i didn't really know who he was back then, now i know I often wonder did i dream the event... well, there you are... nice colours here

  2. Cheers Mick-sounds like a nightmare, although a stall full of Bardot busts would be better!

  3. The nose on the top right rough sketch is perfect! Nice to see some colour too!

  4. those deep red lips against the green is stunning. Cool sketch sheet below too!

  5. Love this one, Matt!
    Look forward to seeing you in London on 30th - tickets booked.

    Anita, the Cartoon Museum curator, asked me to spread the word about your talk.

    So...anybody interested in Ronald Searle's involvment in animation, go see THE AMAZING MATT JONES giving a talk on the subject at THE CARTOON MUSEUM, 30th March 6.30pm.

  6. Cheers Pete, I'll be there!

  7. Nice! You really have captured the Serge spirit!
