Tuesday, March 10, 2009


Here are my first sketches from Bristol. I've moved to the city to storyboard on a feature for Aardman. There's tonnes of interesting stuff to draw around the harbour where the studio is located.


  1. hehe- I'm boarding on that too! have fun, best,


  2. Anonymous7:44 pm

    very good job ^^ how many time does this take you ?

  3. These are amazing. That place sounds awesome. I love Aardman.

  4. Tout va bien la bas?

  5. Great Drawings, reminds me of my own Bristol days. One of those cranes was used to lift an elephant once!

  6. So cool as usual!!! Un reel plaisir pour les yeux et les sens.

  7. great drawings Matt, love the different weight of your strokes

  8. allways traveling, that´s great.

  9. Welcome back to Blightey Jones. Hope you have packed the layers, i'm sure you are freezing your ass off compared to the south of France. Enjoy Bristol and all the best for the project.

  10. These are great little sketches! I'm always envious of people traveling around the world sketching >__<

  11. Yeah!!..I was counting with this guided tour!

  12. Go to the olive shed on a sunny day...it'll be the 47th best day of your life.

  13. Brilliant, I've been admiring your sketches of various exotic places for some time now. It's great to finally see your take on what's outside of my window. I'm going to come and say hello on Monday - I'm next door.

  14. Matt. Very enjoyable sketches. Great use of your heavy blacks. Not overdone. Nice wok Matt.

  15. Hey Matt, thank you for recommending me at aardman, unfortunatly I'm busy, but I would have loved to, and bristol look really nice! See you soon.

  16. beautiful bristol, and nice music scene there too! Good for you! These sketches are lovely , I love Bristol it actually reminds me a bit of Cork in some ways . Good luck in Aards.

  17. The cranes and seagulls has an incredible amount of depth, fantastic work Matt.

  18. JP-are you? Thanks for the info
    Myrian-not too long, no more than 30 mins each
    Sam-cheers, Aardman is a fun place to work
    Stef-ca va tres bien mon ami, merci
    WJC-great story, thanks, I'll use it!
    Souv-merci-c'est gentile!
    Gabi-yep, I try to vary the marks as much as I can
    Jacks-thanks very much sir
    Alberto-I have ants in my pants! Can't stop moving!
    Rich-not quite the same climate but brightening up
    Erik-pack your bags & go travel & draw!
    Oscar-how I've missed your wit!
    Guiseppe-grazie mille!
    Jeroen-I shall, thnx for the tip
    Stefan-you're at Aardman?
    Dave-it's a fine balance using the black
    Sylvain-de rien, j-espere tu voir bientot
    Tomm-cheers-i'll visit Cork someday
    Max-grazie-seagulls are always good to give scale

  19. Wonderful sketches from your travels. Congratuation to beeing mentioned at The Comics Reporter!

  20. Love the lines work with these, and subtle use of the black!

  21. I love these drawings- such a sense of place and great character in the line work!

  22. I'm jealous!

    Lovely sketches.

  23. Vhrsti-thanx for the tip-that was pretty cool
    Kyle-spotting the blacks is always a tricky business
    Callan-I try to find places with character
    Vince-but you have the sun!

  24. What a great place! Nice drawings, love the seagulls ;)

  25. Turns out I'm boarding on the 'other' feature...and I'm in Tel Aviv too, so it might be a while before we catch up for a chat. Shame, 'cos I'd love to see more of your stuff. Maybe later, take care, JP

  26. Hey Matt, great stuff as usual. Give me a shout if your pant ants bring you back to Paris. HK

  27. uao! Now I want to go in Bristol!

  28. i LOVE that sketch of the cranes!!!

  29. Nice! I lived in Bristol for a couple of months, tis indeed a great city with tons of interesting sights and sounds. All your sketches are great :) Good luck with your work on the Aardman project!
