Monday, July 14, 2008

Cannes Natives part 2

The juxtaposition of Hollywood invading a French seaside town is always amusing. The locals have seen it every year for decades & observe it all with bemusement.

The younger locals like to come down to the Croisette to show off. Semi-transparent dresses with thong knickers just don't work for everyone!

The contrast between the glamour of the film festival & the homeless begging on the streets is striking too. Rich, glamorous folk parade up & down the Croisette with destitute Eastern European families begging at their feet.
Meanwhile cinephiles get so desperate for an invitation to a premier they spend all day outside the Palais pleading for a spare ticket.

The 'Kung Fu Panda' costumes that Dreamworks had manufactured to plug the movie were funny-while not exactly 'on model' they gave the character a kind of spasmodic goofy charm!


  1. I like the shirt! amusing!

  2. Hahaha. I've got to start caracituring. This looks like fun.

  3. Ain't I cool? I was invited to see the premiere of WALL·E and didn't go.

  4. Har..the elepant shirt is a nice touch. Great gritty penwork. The series of Cannes characters below is a riot.

  5. Terrific stuff, Matt. I'm - ahem - digging the way those two women walk.

  6. Hey Mr Jones,
    it's good hear from you! Miss you a lot, crying every night...
    Hope to see you around any day for a few drinks and load of laughing.

  7. Hey, very fluent, free
    and controlled shapes.
    Like them!

  8. hahha i love this blog :)

    hope to hear from you :)
    Take care,
    Monika ♥

  9. Thnx for all the comments-

    Bobby-cheers-she wasa classy dame!

    Dan-keep at the anatomical studies-it'll help

    Oscar-you're a rebel without a cause

    Alberto-gracias mi amigo


    Elliot-I wasn't following them-I promise!

    Cako-I miss u too-it's been too long my friend

    M@-merci beaucoup

    Marco-i'm always striving to loosen up more

    Monika-thnks a million!

  10. Really Beautiful drawings!
    Especially two on the top!:o)
    thanks for your comment Matt!
