The next official SketchCrawl is next month but we couldn't wait that long! Carlos, Seb, Melanie & I headed up to Eze-a medieval village perched on the cliffs high above Monaco. It's a stunning location & we had perfect weather conditions for sketching.

Similarly to St.Paul de Vence, Eze has labyrinthine narrow streets with lots of grotto-like shops to discover. I love to draw the ancient architecture which seems organically fused with the rock foundations.

Planes fly in low over Cap Ferrat in their approach to Nice Cote d'Azur airport.

This ancient, gnarled tree makes a perfect natural canopy when the sun gets too hot. It dominates the terrace of my favourite café in Eze- 'Le Nid d'Aigle' the Eagle's Nest.

We finished the day sketching amongst the cacti in the jardin exotique that crowns the summit of the town. There are great views of Cap ferrat to the West & the Italian Riviera to the East.

The others should be posting their sketches on their respective websites soon. Our next trip is to the zoo!
What are you drinking...water?! a little Ricard would be great!
Eze look great, honnestly it looks a lot like california, only the building here are 10 years old.
Tres joli travail mon pote! x
Hi! I was just rooting through your Ronald Searle blog when I followed the link back here. This is beautiful work! I really like your style. Very Searle-like.
Wonderful art!
These are amazing. I'm jealous that you have such great material to work with!
There are only so many ways to draw a Quiznos logo here in LA.
looks like you are making the most of your time down there. HK
The link for the Searle book does not show anything. Which book is it?
wonderful sketch mister.
C'est toujours un grand plaisir de voir tes nouveaux dessins. Cheers !
Sounds like a lot of fun, and resulted in some great sketches, really nice stuff!
'A Monster in Paris' eh? Sounds cool, I hope it makes it to Canada.
Do you mind if I link to your blog?
A medieval village eh! Is THAT where you buy your jumpers?
Beautiful draughtsmanship!
Stef-I was dipping my little brush into that water!
Steve-Thnx-I'm a huge fan of Searle as u can tell
Edweird-wonderful NAME!
Jim-yup, MANY interesting sights to see down here!
Heath-trying to see & do as much as poss.
Boris-merci et cheers a toi aussi!
Andy-appreciate the encouragement
Steve-'Monster' will be stomping on cinemas worldwide Easter 2010-even in Canada!
M@-I have my jumpers weaved specially by the medieval tapestry makers of Les Gobelins!
Wow. these are all really beautiful. Must've been a terrific trip, as well!
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