St.Paul de Vence is a picturesque 'village perché' between Nice & Cannes. On the outskirts of the village, hidden amongst woodland, lies the Fondation Maeght. It holds a collection of modern & contemporary art by artists such as Miro, Giacometti, Chagall & Braque. The Maeght family created the Fondation as a kind of refuge for these artists & hosted visitors like Duke Ellington, Simone Signoret, Ella Fitzgerald, Fernand Leger.

The gardens are interesting to explore.

I drew the weird sculpture dotted around the garden.

The gallery contains a great collection of art journal 'Derrier le Miroir'. Check out some of those cover artists - Miro, Bacon, Steinberg, Kandinsky . . .

Duke Ellington & Joan Miro.

Miro at work.

Great place...I have all the Steinberg's "Derriere le Mirroir" books and a DVD of Ellington playing there for Miró. Highly recommended!!
It's one long holiday for you! Galavanting from villa to villa like a high class hooker!
I can't make head nor tail of it.
Lovely shot of Duke and Miro....
It's yours for that shot of Louis Armstrong in 'Le Safari'...
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