Last weekend I popped back to London for the first exhibition of Gerby, Crookie & Stef. They are three of the best artists in town & I'm proud to call them my friends. The work on show was first rate & catching up with old friends at the party was great fun. I hadn't seen everyone in almost a year & they were suprised by my 'orange' appearance & my 'tarzan' French!

Photos above courtesy of animator/paparazzi Ed Roberts. Look out for his blog SOON!!

There was a diverse range of work on display. Individually these three artists are dynamos but together the effect was stunning!! Congratulations guys & good luck for the future.
yeeeeeaaaah!it was so cool, nice people, great art!see you...
Do you pluck your eyebrows?
Bravo monsieur cannard a l'orange. Thank you so much for taking the time to come over-I really needed your positivity-much appreciated.
Hey Matt ! Thanks for the raving revue here, but even more so for coming over and checking it out. Was superb to see you!
It really was a wonderful evening, specially enhanced by your charm and your delightfully radioactive orange suntan
merci Mr Matt
pour ceux qui n'ont pas pu y aller.
j'espere que l'expo traversera la manche.
j'espere aussi que tu vas bien.
en tous cas, tu es bien bronzé!
Quel beau mec!!!!
was great seeing you, even though you will always be my nemesis.
On to Annecy!
ha ha flippin ekk!!! Look at the colour on you!!!
looks like you all had a ding dong doo.
Merci ma chatte! c'etais super de te revoir meme tout orange (je me demande ce que Bibo vous donne a bouffer a Nice?!)
Dire que je vais certainement avoir la meme couleur que toi dans quelques mois!
I like the pic where you're checking out Jason's crotch.
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