Friday, January 26, 2007

Un Monstre a Paris

Bibo Studio used this image as their New Year greetings card. Created by Francois, Zébé & Julian in Paris it gives a glimpse of the heroine Lucille & how 1910 Paris is being pre-visualised for the film.


  1. Hey MJ. It's Jason here! I've finally set up my blog, so put a link to it. Its at
    Hope you're enjoying all the delights of Francais. JK

  2. AT LAST!!! Great to see you blogging Jason but it wouldn't let me leave a comment on your blog.

  3. I've changed it now, so you can leave comments. Just a technical hitch. I'll have some colour stuff up there soon. Good to hear you're still alive and kicking old boy!!!

  4. wow! It looks very nice!!
    hum... I miss Paris :-)

  5. Looking good. I have been on the site and can't wait to see some more art examples of how it's going to actually look? is it a computer (ie 3d) film or is there some other gubbins going to be involved? info please monsiuer...

  6. Film will be 3-D. Background tests are starting to happen- combination of 3-D elements with 2-D paintings. If finished article looks as good as the concept artwork I've seen this movie will BLOW YOUR MIND!!!

  7. wow, sounds good. This is one head in need of being blown, feature animation is currently in a pap arse state visually and something needs to be a shiny becon to inspire me... hopefully this will be it, fingers crossed. PS go and check out my most recent post, would love to hear what you think?

  8. I want to see this film! What's more I want to see it NOW!!!!!!!

    More stuff, please!

  9. Afraid you have to wait until 2009 to see this. It's going to be worth the wait though...

  10. That Patrice Suau! What a good painter! I remember when he visited Uli's studio in Borough. He told me that he left Disney's after a very short time (weeks?) because he had learned all he would ever learn from Disney about painting.
    One cool dude!

    I hope you're enjoying to the max!

  11. Hi Matt, I'm afraid that I'm a fan of your work and, of course, of the film you are involved. Do you know if Bibo are still hiring for animators for the film? Thanks Matt and sincerely congratulations for your works.
