Thursday, October 05, 2006

Ménagerie du Jardin des Plantes


  1. love it man- very nice indeed

  2. This brings back haunting memories.......never look them in the eye!

    I concur with Mr. Boris too, really nice drawing, very nice indeed.

  3. The animal with horns at the bottom reminds me of Elliot (Or Bernie Fuck, perhaps)

  4. great compostion of the ostriches..hows it going over there monsieur jones?

  5. never saw those in Paris. It's probably the result of all this absinthe you've been drinking with my friends.

  6. They're really all so funny. Great series!

  7. I really love the llama/camel thing.

    I like the use of colour in the sketches too...

  8. loving the work mr jones, i would love to know how you got that under water shot of the aligator. You're not going all Steve Urwin on our arse are you?

  9. Is that the picture of an iguana getting oral sex from a crocodile by chance?

  10. Blasted Grillo pinched my joke.

  11. Wish i could be more constructive but i cant...just lovely work as always.
    Hows you and the lil`lady doin`?

  12. These are awesome animal drawings!! Especially love the underwater croco drawing. We don't have cool croco exhibit like that in LA. :( Those croco here looks like a plastic toy.

  13. like the flamingos, very beautiful rhythm across the page- they stink though don't they?

  14. Hey Matt, hope everything is going freaking good for you down there. It's been a while since I've been visiting the blogs. I have some work to do tonight and blogging seems the ideal escape to it. Nice drawings. Funny iguana face, I guess is enjoying the job. Take care.

  15. Everybody else has raved about what I would have raved about - apart from Oscar who is obviously having those dreams again! - so, I'll just say "Superb draughtsmanship!"

  16. Thanks for the comments everyone, good to hear from you.

    B,S & O - thanks fellas!

    K - going well, we're having a great autumn. Fine weather, good food & exploring this gorgeous city.

    Stef- I went to an absinthe bar full of lizards that was like something out of Fear & Loathing in Las Vegas.

    Max& Eric - appreciated.

    GurB - I know, your favourites are dogs & mooses!

    Rich- over here they have special SEE-THROUGH glass tanks.

    Oscar/Elliot- I SEE IT, lthis drawing works upside down too!

    Andy- we're doing well thanks, living like bon viveurs.

    Alina, I'm glad to see crocs in a zoo over here - you have alligators in the WILD in parts of your country!

    Joel- thanks old bean, FRENCH flamingos smell DIVINE!

    Joan - hola amigo, good to hear from you. Hope it's all going well back in London. What are you working on?

    Brian - thanks for the kind words.
    I'm off to visit your blog right now.

  17. I love the gator in the pool. Nice quick capture of the scene, feels like you were sitting in the water with him!
