Friday, June 23, 2006


I'm taking this blog across the Channel. Tomorrow I'm moving to Paris for the summer to work on a pilot for a TV series. Elliot, John Q & Andrei, regretfully I won't be able to meet you guys in London but if any of you hop across to Paris let me know & we'll hook up. Likewise, if there's any French bloggers who would like to meet up in Paris drop us a line too.
I guess I won't be updating this blog as regularly as usual but here's some sketches from last week to be going on with.


  1. All the best to you with your move to Paris and with the TV series.

    Best regards.

  2. Great sketches Matt love the musicians music for the soul!!!

  3. Ps all the best with all the new moves keep kickin butt!!!

  4. Are you crazy, Jones!!!!!Come back here immediately...Or I'll go there and get you ass back where you belong, for f***'s sake!

  5. OK, I'll stay!
    (You'll never catch me with that gammy knee!)

  6. Are you bringing Heidi with you?

  7. Heidi's going to hibernate for a while but I'll be pumping the life back into her soon! Watch this space. YodeleeeEEhoooooooooooooooooo!!

  8. y'know life is so strange. I have a friend who knows a girl called Heidi, he's been pumping her as well....such a coincidence!!!

    doesn't look like I can make it tonight mate....good luck,you'll have a blast.

  9. what? the whole month of august? c'mon man.
    this is sad news for me.

  10. Long time viewer, first time poster. I always enjoy your blog. Very, very inspirational!

    I was hoping you'd be at BAFTA today but I can see now why you weren't. :)

    Good luck with the move!

  11. well, i posted too hastily in response to your note and without reading your blog first. now i see what you've written and i'm honored and a little touched you would mention me in your post. i was indeed looking forward to meeting up with you in London but, i am also hoping to make as many weekend trips as possible. i have a friend who has invited me to krakow and i did want to see paris again. ahhh paris. i'll let you know if i can make it.

  12. have fun, chuckle nest! see you back in blighty in a couple

  13. Another alcoholic from Camden moves on....................sigh.

  14. AH! Gay Paris, congratulations and have a great time.

  15. We were never to be...
    I'll see you in my dreams...

  16. Fantastic sketches Matt.

  17. Hey man I sent you a text with my french number did you get it? Otherwise see you here. HK

  18. Jonezy! How is Frog Country?

  19. Hey thanks for the support everyone - work is a lot of fun but its hot as HELL here! These French keyboards arent quite the same either! HEATH- got your number thanks - call you as soon as things settle down @ work & I get a cool room with a phone, fan, computer, tea-bags, milk etc. Are you in town on the Bastille celebrations -(question mark!)

  20. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  21. Hello Matt, your drawings are awesome!!!
    Thank you for doing Heidi like this.
    Good luck in France.

  22. You could have left us some nice artwork to look at...

  23. What's your adress ? We sent you some tea bags.....

  24. hey matt, love your blog! good luck in paris!

  25. Hey dude, glad to see you are penetrating the continent with your acerbic eye for the line.

    Hope the parisenne light and life inspires and fulfils.
