Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Life Drawing 30th May

Pre-class warm up drawings.

These kids were sitting opposite me on the train on the way home. They were snogging the face off each other, or rather SHE was sucking HIS face! Her hands were all over him! Those of us fortunate enough to be able to HEAR their tongue gymnastics tried to avert our eyes but in the end I couldn't resist drawing them since they were oblivious to all around them.


  1. She seems to have found something in his lap.

  2. YAH! It was at that point that the lady sitting next to me got up & moved in disgust! I however kept watching - UH, drawing, for the sake of reportage canoodling, I mean DOODLING!

  3. I can see a wobbly me in one of the warm up drawings!

  4. Yes, that's you! & the sketch on the right was when I was mentally undressing you. Old school drawing discipline.

  5. You were physically undressing me last week, so I guess it's an improvement. Homo.

  6. This week I'm gonna smother you in salad dressing-

  7. you call that life drawing? I call that- FUCK, drawing. ghe ghe.
    and what's wrong with that?

  8. I love those pages of people you post. The simplicity is deceptive, but all the information is crystal clear.


  9. cada dia me asombro más de la enorme cantidad de grandes dibujantes que hay, y tu eres uno de ellos. felicitaciones.
    every day I am surprised more than the enormous quantity of big designers that there is, and your you belong one to them. congratulations.

  10. Love the quick sketches and the snoggers!

  11. Wonderful posts!

    Matt, I'm wondering what you were using to draw your sketches at the beginning of this post.

  12. Just a crappy cheap fibre pen with a brush nib.

  13. and what about the creepy guy sat there watching people snogging ?... did you draw him ...?

  14. Nice drawings Matt,you made sexy the "little overweight woman"...
