Thursday, January 26, 2006

Baby condor nest

Small painting inspired by a scene I recently storyboarded.


  1. It is rare these days to see actual painting made with an actual brush and an actual human being...
    And it's lovely.
    Those baby birds resemble sci-fi plants.
    Very pleasing.

  2. lovely painting Matt.
    reminds me of the work of a Dutch childrens' book illustrator- google her for images:

    Fiep Westendorp

  3. Thanks fellas. Gerby introduced me to Westendorp's work couple years ago & I picked up a few of her books in Holland a while back. 'The Dutch Mary Blair'. Her stuff is really excellent - unique use of colour (& black) & great shapes & character designs. Not so keen on the way she draws cats though.

  4. I love the look on the boars face! Indeed, a great painting, Matt.

  5. well, beautiful painting indeed er Jones! me like a lot! gouache?

  6. How great that you can paint and handle Vectors.

    Any enlightenment on the story?

  7. When I was trekking through the Andes with my Dad the porters would prepare meals for us at camp. Our guide said one night we were eating baby condor - it was of course chicken!

  8. Anybody NOT eat their meal that night?

  9. Hah! My Dad did feel ill that night & retired to our tent early but that was due to altitude sickness. Guinea pig is served in Peru (whole, WITH the teeth even!) but we never tried it because restaurants charge an extortionate 'tourist' rate to sample this delicacy. My Dad DID try alpaca meat though - said it was like lamb-

  10. Your dad is a brave guy. Very nice painting. Congrats on ColdHardFlash
    mentioning you and Uli regarding Terrible Tim!

  11. very coool illos!
