Wednesday, November 23, 2005


Another recent discovery is the art books of French cartoonist Voutch. His style looks like Gary Larson painted by Kiraz. Thanks to my belle Raja for the scans.


  1. Nice !
    Great palette

  2. I actually came across his work a couple of years ago, I think it was the Doodlers who told me about him. I looked at a bit more of his work online this morning, great compositions and wonderful colour sensibilities! You can't go wrong with a farside painted by kiraz look! I only wish I could read the captions too.

  3. another one that'll make us all filthy rich. isn't that what our art is all about?
    Let's make it quickly in flash and sell the shit out of it.

  4. Matt- I'll come round the studio 2moro daytime. At 18:30 I'm meeting Mr Dunn* for a quick drink- then I'll meet you guys at the restaurant- will give u a buzz 2moro to discuss details. looking forward to seeing you all again!

  5. Any French types out there able to translate the gag?

  6. I think in the bottom one she's saying 'Are these two finished my dear? I need to but some bread & salad!'

  7. Yes! We have several Voutch books. Found them in a bookstore in France several years ago. Spectacular colour on the autumn image!

    We submitted first caption to the 'Babelfish' translator on the internet and got the following:

    "I thus have begin an enormous work on myself and today, almost 15 years after, I can infin say that results its it: I deteste more; I mepris."

    Not being familiar with the word 'mepris' The meaning is still not clear. Oh, to have payed more attention during those high school french lessons!

  8. Hey! These are fab!
