Friday, September 23, 2005

Drunk drawing!

One way of loosening up we found is to sink a few pints & get sketching in the local pub. The drawings above were made on beer mats, napkins, scraps of paper & many ruined sketchbooks using biros, brush pens, cigarette ash & splashed beer! Apologies to those depicted (couple of fellow bloggers on there too!)


  1. Great page, Particularly the first two!Cool

  2. Really nice page! I agree with Draz, love that one in the top corner playing the guitar! Great hands! Some really lovely shapes too! Speaking of shapes, I love the lady coming from the cigarette drunk were you guys to have seen that in the smoke?

    Great stuff!

  3. Ha! Most of these were drawn while lying on my back under a table!

  4. I remember the night in the Marathon Bar when Matt drew the guy with the guitar. He is a regular there, playing for bits of cash from the audience. My kidneys still hurt today.

  5. I didn't realize Gerben had such a wrinkled forhead- I presume it's him.. wish I could be there with you guys to do some drunken sketching- hopefully soon

  6. Uli, don't you remember SELLING your kidneys to that Russian sailor?

    Boris, those aren't wrinkles on Gerby's forehead, they're his 6 eyebrows!

  7. I've got to try this lying on my back under a table business...your work is terrific!

  8. Hey Stunt Monkey, totally agree with you on the TITLE CARD post on your blog. All good cartoons should have em'. I'd stick them in TV commercials if i could! The MANLY BEE cards are awesome.

  9. Whoops, signed in under Andy Murray. That last comment was from me!

  10. He's not happy with the drawing & he ain't gonna be happy with your comment bro!

  11. I didn't sell my kidneys, I sold my soul.And it wasn't a russian sailor, it was the devil.

  12. Bukowski couldn't have put it better. Adios for the weekend & thanks for your comments everybody.

  13. Those are the best "drunk" drawing I have ever seen!!

  14. you'll be hearing from my lawyers.

  15. Those drawings bring memories to me! The little elvis with the miniguitar... J.K. smoking those cigarretes after saying he's gona quit... limbolo... leo... gur-b... is that Will making smoke ladies?
    Salud to all of you guys!

  16. You are really milking these, are you ?

  17. Better than my sober drawings!!!!
    Hey could you put the last two drawings i did on my blog??
    I left em on your computer on know, the devil designs!!
    Sorry to hijack yr blog dude!!

  18. Hey Andy, I'l lsort out your Blog tomorrow. Just got back from Llandewibrevi & got too much on today.

  19. Nice blog!!!
    good luck!
