Wednesday, September 07, 2005

Bigger Pi

This is a landscape version of the Life of Pi image I posted earlier (see August archive). I think this one gives more of a sense of the expansive ocean that the characters are stranded in.


  1. wow thats sweet. What did you use to color this with? the animals are really cool.

  2. Matt
    this is soooo nice, what a thrill it would be to see something like this animated - like Samuri Jack.

    Who is the happiest of men? He who values the merits of others, and in their pleasure takes joy, even as though t'were his own.
    - Johann von Goethe

  3. This was all done in Photoshop with the odd hand splattered paint texture thrown in.

  4. Mr Jones!

    I couldn't find your comment on my blog so I couldn't reply. I decided to sneak over to your end. You have a great blog here, lad. Nice job! Seems like all of you Uli lot are blogging quite a bit these days! : )

    In answer to your question, yes, I did work on "Madagascar". It was tremendous fun.

    Happy drawing.

  5. It's now my new desktop wallpaper!

  6. Thanks for the feedback everyone. Kevan, just wanted to let you know I enjoyed Madagascar immensely. Some great characters in there - the lemurs & penguins are hilarious. Well done fellow Welshman!

  7. Thanks for the encouragement & support bro. My Blog therapy sessions have been helping a lot but my fellow patients don't like me much. I don't care just focus on staying within the lines.

    Please send more crayons.

    PS. Your Blog profile says your a SNAKE! Go on make like a snake - be an angry cobra!

  8. Thats a beauty,Matt! Really enjoying the work on your blog.

  9. Hey, cheers Steve. Long admired your work too & followed your comments & posts on the drawing board - good to hear from you.

  10. This one is a beauty Matt! It truly enjoy looking at your work! So much goodness I can't absorb everything! I love the Skatoony piece as well!

    All the best....and thanks for the kind comments you've been leaving on mine.

  11. another tight fit.
