Wednesday, August 31, 2005

More Japanese inspired art

This was sketched while waiting for the curtain to go up at a production of Madame Butterfly. It was a beautiful drawing blown up to cover the entire stage curtain.


  1. That's nice stuff Matt!

  2. Great! Is that the original or did you work it up later back at the studio? I could never do something as clean as that on the spot.

  3. That's the original. It was quite comfortable sitting in my seat waiting for the show to start. Must of had about half an hour to get this down so I could take my time. Copying Japanese drawings I try to go straight in with a pen & get the line first time - helps me get closer to the grace & fluidity of the original brushwork.

  4. Lovely drawing!! How do you draw with so much detail and so clean on spot? Amazing!
