Monday, May 08, 2006

LIFE DRAWING 2nd May 2006

No life drawing for me this week but here are the drawings I made at last weeks session.

Rapid 30 sec - 1 min. gesture sketches.

5 min quick study.

15 mins.

20 mins.

20 mins.

20 mins.


Adriaan said...

Godver. If I had a uteris, it would melt and drop to the floor from looking at this shit!

Richard Mitchelson said...

WOW these guys are mental !!! nice studies, some real life in this stuff... (no pun intended)

A. Riabovitchev said...

Great studies!!!!I love it!:O)

Andy said...

What about the shit running from your mouth bernie?
Matt-lovely stuff man...very jealous!! Scanners down at work so i have to be patient, i have a bit of stuff to show...stay tuned.
Im in london soon...been busy working on the company demo for e3 and some showreel stuff. Curry and beer i hope when im down, whatcha say?

Hans said...

Awesome blog! A lot of fun characters and and great life-drawings.


Oscar Grillo said...

Nice arses.

Mark said...

Superb sketches there Matteous!...Something very, 'atomic age' in there I can can see ;)

Boris Hiestand said...

I want to go life drawing again! you guys still go to Anne's class?
I'll be back next week

Unknown said...

wonderful drawings!!

Matthew Cruickshank said...

Boris, I was there last night. Anne's heart of ice is beginning to melt.

Matthew Cruickshank said...

Matt, I think you are more worried about your line than actually what you are drawing.

Matt Jones said...

oh crumbs, don't YOU start, I get enough earache off Anne! She must be rubbing off on you-
I'm only taking drawing advice from Bernie Fuck!

the doodlers said...

Ahhh, nice ones. This teacher of yours doesn't know how lucky she is to have you guys in her class. Aren't there any students asking if they can draw a crab instead?

Unknown said...

Nice and solid figures as always Matt.The best one for me is the one before last one, it has a real sense of weight and anatomy.

Crazy comments above!!! who are this people!! heheh. said...

beautiful figue drawings