Thursday, September 29, 2005


These drawings were made with Indian ink & a twig!


MikeS said...

We had a life drawing teacher back in college that had us do the same thing; not an easy task. I think I recall using mustard? I didn't really have too much success with it.

It looks like you did though! I really like the heads! Nice and graphic. Great!

Matt Jones said...

Mustard hah! Man, that must've stank? Art school was great for eccentric teachers getting us to draw with mud, coffee, nails, bodily fluids etc. We had one life drawing tutor turn out all the lights & have us draw in the dark! Fun time -

MikeS said...

I hope you were kidding about the 'bodily fluids'. Please TELL ME YOU WERE KIDDING MAN!!

Drawing in the dark? Drawing under the table? Don't you ever draw in more, conventional ways?

Andy said...

Never mind a twig, most people think i draw with a branch!!

Matt Jones said...

Your ARMS look like branches!

Andy said...

Creatine and friday beef curry specials!!!

limbolo said...

Ink, nails, body fluids...Doesn't matter....Man can DRAW!...BUMBUCLAAT Matt.

Unknown said...

COOOL Experiment!! Great drawings!!

Sandra Khoo said...

I really adore your blog,the styles are so fresh and inspiring! Well, I guess you hear that all the time...great artworks!

Matt Jones said...

Appreciate the feedback everyone. Limbolo, what did you call me?

alberto mielgo said...

I like those matt.
Very beautifull stuff.
I will keep them.

Matt Jones said...

Thanks Alberto. Neil tells me about your comic book. Is it finished? You plan to publish it soon?

limbolo said...

I wouldn't don't know where they've been.

limbolo said...

Alberto, I was refferring to YOUR comment...Not Matt's - He just won't shut up - Please to good luck with the publishing ting.

Joe said...

love to see how versitile you can be, matt...experimentaindeedydoodly


Matthew Cruickshank said...

Even for a twig I find these images very precise, it shows great control and discipline.

How big is your twiglet?

Matt Jones said...

Crookie, I used a medium sized twig, 2B. Twiglets smudge too much. Sticky fingers.

Joe, CHEWBLOG rules!

Unknown said...

I like those, beautiful weight to the lines,

Matthew Cruickshank said...

It's nice stuff but it's not experimental, I think you knew exactly what would come out of the tip of your little twig.

If you want experimental look at Gerby's Blog.........

Matt Jones said...

EVERYTHING that Gerby does with his twig is experimental !

John T Quinn III said...

these are nice. are you familiar with the work of Bernard Krigsteen?

Matt Jones said...

Hey John, do you mean Krigstein? Just found him online - he's terrific. Never heard of this dsude before. The site I found is an archive of almost EVERYTHING he ever did. Great find, thanks for the pointer.